Game Proposal: Shape Match!


In this 3rd semester, I learn about Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction. For the final project, my lecturer told us to make a game for kindergarten students. This game is supposed to educate the children about basic knowledge and it has to be easy to be played. According to, basic knowledge includes writing, number and counting, shapes and object, and time and seasons. My partner and I decided to make a shape game.


The game is called Shape Match. This game is about helping a character, Mr. Circle, to go to space. In order to do that, the user has to pass 2 stages. In the first stage, the user have to find the exact same shape that is shown in the question. This help to develop children’s cognitive skills. If they pass, Mr. Circle will fly on a plane.

In the second stage, which is located in the sky, the user has to find the other half of the shape. For example, a heart. The heart will be divided into 2, then the user has to find the other half. The choices are moving around. So, the children are trained to think fast. If they pass this stage, Mr. Circle will fly in a rocket to space.

This game only give the user 3 chances to get the wrong answer. If they make more than that, they have to restart the game from the beginning.


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